In this lesson learn how to make small talk with strangers in English. I will teach you small talk along with how to make small talk. You can learn how to make small talk with anyone especially, how to do small talk with strangers. You will learn easy small talk in English along with small talk in English exercises. I will also teach you some small talk tips in English and small talk tips English conversations.
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Alright how about small talk in English with strangers?
We'll go through these a little quickly. So, the first two things we might talk about with strangers is commenting on let's say, they have a baby or a child, or they are walking their dog. We might just be friendly and say something like, “oh what a beautiful baby, how old is he or how old is she?” Or if they're walking their dog, “what a cute puppy. What's his name or what's her name?” So, this is a great way to just have small talk. Maybe you are in the park, or you're walking in your neighborhood, and you see someone, and you just want to be friendly and have some small talk, or if you're outside again at the park or going for a walk or something like this. You might just say, “it's a beautiful day to be outside, isn't it?” So here again we see that “isn't it.”
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I think we saw this in our weather section, “it's a beautiful day, isn't it?”
So here, just confirming right. This means I know you will agree it's a beautiful day to be outside, isn't it? Now, the next few we're going to look at are if you are waiting. So, I’m going to put a line here now. What if you are waiting in a long line somewhere? Maybe you're at a theme park waiting to go on a roller coaster, or you're at the store and you're just being casual having small talk with the person in front of you. Or they might ask you these questions too. “Can you believe this line? Oh it's so long. Can you believe this line?” You might ask someone, maybe you think, “maybe I will not go on this roller coaster.” Or, “I will not buy this thing today.” Let's see how the person at the end of the line, “excuse me how long have you been waiting?”
And last it looks like we're going to be here for a while. So, we have our two different situations. This is very casual like out at the park or out for a walk. When you just see people, you don't know or you're just trying to be friendly and here waiting waiting in line waiting to do something. So those are uh some great conversation starters but that's not the limit. We can have small talk about many topics like shows, movies, plays, and so on. Oh, hey instead of “did you watch the game last night? Have you seen the new that new movie? Have you seen the Black Widow movie yet?” Right small talk we could talk about food, restaurants, or cooking. So, a new restaurant opens up in town and I’m talking maybe to my co-worker, or to my friend of a friend and I say something like, “hey have you gone to the new sushi restaurant yet?” Hobbies are a great small talk topic. Anything that you want to ask someone about their hobbies or share a little bit about yours.
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Travel, “oh have you have you traveled to uh this national park yet? Have you traveled to this other place yet?” And finally local favorites. So, this means anything in your town or your area that you're just being conversational about. So, that could be local restaurants, local shops, local places to go, and just chatting about those things. So, before we end today's lesson let me give you some small talk tips. My tip number one is to ask open ended questions. So, this means that they are not yes or no questions. So uh if those can be good right like, “it's a beautiful day, isn't it?” That's a “yes, it is” or “no it isn't” question. That's okay, but it's even better to ask open-ended questions. So often these start with our WH- words; who, what, when, where, why, how, which. Right so these are great because we get more information. That's a better way to start a conversation. Next practice active listening. So, especially if you feel a little nervous about small talk in English. Make sure to listen carefully. Don't focus on what you will say next, focus on listening to the other person, and then you can think about what you want to say next. And finally show your enthusiasm. So be kind be friendly and you will definitely be successful.
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You will learn how to start small talk with strangers about different small talk topics in English conversations. You will want to know how to small talk with strangers that will help you know how to make a small talk with strangers in this small talk in English lesson.